1. -Name/Sex/Age (We DO NOT descriminate by gender) Shorloc (Brien)/ male/ 35 years old
-Our raid times are 5-10pm Server time, if not 18, can you make those times?I can play every night but Mondays and some saturday
-Connection: What is your usual latency, FPS, and how often do you D/C? Cable (50 mag dl) lat is usually very low (usinging killer nic) never d/c
-Do you have and are familiar with Ventrilo yes
2. -Race/Class/Spec troll/ hunter/ beast for leveling
-Are you willing and ready to respec/regear for the needs of the guild? but of corse
-List your professions and trade skills.410 eng. 450 mining ( have all rprofessions covered on other toons)
-List your rep progression with the factions of Northrend currently hunter is on lvl 65 no rep yet for him
3. -What raid experience do you have?hunter is an alt no raid exp with him but other toons have done 5,10,15,25,40 man party and raids
-Do you have objections to loot council?nope
-Would you have an issue taking orders from guild officers at split second?nope
-List addons you utilize.fubar, omen, recount, xpearl, as well as many others I change them out alot
4. -Where did you hear about <Hell> and why do you want to enlist? (We do not need to know about previous guilds:have seen you guys in many of the bigger towns. to be honest have 7 toons in Dust and I took a month break came back and came back to find alot of the same issues havent changed ( i hate the constint belittling) and also they are too much into progression and if you are not in the main click you get left behind
Reasons for leaving or g kicks. In <Hell> you will be treated in accordance with your performance and knowledge after initiation)left dust with hunter as a start to test the waters out side I would love to see him level with a guild that levels together( been a dust member since Aug of 07 was the 14th person invited when moved to this server) was also in assassins strike prior to Duke leaving the server which basicly made us fall apart. prior to that was in AS on feathermoon since the start of that guild. and prior to that was in N.W.T.R. on the daggerspine server( raided 32 eaids aweek in that guild)
-What do you think you can contribute to the guild and our ranks of raiders?I have a vast knowledge of the game been playing since vanilla beta ( currently have 473 days total time played) as well as have seen what is good for guild as well as things that kill them
5. -Tell us some things about yourself you think we should know. For example. "I get shitfaced when I raid." or "I like men!" I am a 35 year old game junkie I do playtest for xbox, was a nintendo game cousler, worked for penny arcade.com I am a family man with a nine year old boy. love this game and i will always be the first to say I am a NERD
-Give us insight to your style of play and personality I can totally get in to a good raid ( remember back in the day doing to 18 hour molton core raids every weekend for a year) but also love the fast hard core pvp. I belive that a guild that plays together stays together. thanks for the time reading my app
:Things you need to know about <Hell> before submitting your application:
-Must be guildless before applying
-We do not tolerate blatent and ignorant bashing of other guilds in public chat. *The key is to insult their intelligence without them knowing
-If you fuck up... we will let you know!
-Our GM mispronounces everyone's name and is prone to John Maddening raid instructions =D
-Raid slots are earned... not given.
-In <Hell>, there are a variety of personalities and senses of humor. If you don't have thick skin. and are prone to crying, bitching, moaning, or all of the above- Do us all a favor... scroll your mouse up to the right of your screen over the red 'x' and left-click. Procede on having a nice day.